Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is a before and after picture of my mother! She looks fabulous and is still losing! The top one is AFTER and the bottom one is BEFORE!

Pictures from Cheddar's!

Amanda's Baby Shower and Dinner at Cheddar's for my Mom's Birthday!

Wow! This Saturday was so busy. We had a Leadership Summit at church that we had to be at at 8:00a.m. this morning. I had to go to Amanda Barrios' Baby shower at 2:00. It was so much fun! It's so exciting welcoming new little babies into the world, especially knowing they are going to come into the world with good families that will love and support them and teach them God's Word! So the Baby Shower was great...then I had to rush home to meet Calvin. We drove to Hendersonville to have dinner at Cheddar's with my grandparents and parents for my mother's birthday dinner. We won't mention how old my mother is now. However, my mother has lost almost 50 POUNDS!!! I am so proud of her and all that she has accomplished in just a few short months!

Sunday School Party!

Our Sunday School class came over to watch the Titans versus the Ravens last weekend. How exciting...or so we thought it would be. It was sort of a bummer, but we had great food and fun. We had sandwiches and brownies in the shapes of footballs thanks to Kenya's lovely craftsmanship. Then we played a pretty hectic game of phase ten! I won with the most points...298 and still on phase 2...

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve

2009 is here!

On New Year's Eve the Davidson's came over! Danny, Michelle, Calvin and I played games while Caleb slept and the girls watched Shrek 2. We had coffee and brownies and lots of laughs! Carah and Caleb made it to the new year, while Cate fell asleep on the couch...thumb in mouth! It was pretty adorable. Caleb liked to play with my pink Yoga ball.

It was nice to spend the Eve of a new year with new friends!

Here is a lovely picture of Danny and Michelle! Happy 2009!

Carah is posing with her arms out by her side...funny!

Cate didn't make it...sooooo sleepy. She likes her thumb!

Caleb loved playing with my coasters and his mom put pink hair on his ear. It was pretty funny!

Happy New Year to all! May God bless you as you ring in the new year with new options, a clean slate, new possibilities, and new realization of how GREAT God is!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

I'm taking a break from our dating story to tell you about our Christmas. This was our third Christmas as a married couple. It was great! We spent all our money on everyone else so we don't always get each other the best gifts. We really just filled each others stockings up with candy! That's what Christmas is all about! I got a few really nice things - like a Coach purse and a pink Guess pea coat. Calvin got some pajama pants, a nice sweater (that's too big, haha) and an NCAA Madden 2009 video game...whatever that means.

Anyway, on Christmas morning we went to my mom and dad's house for a HUGE Christmas breakfast. This was fabulous because we both went in our bathrobes and pajamas!! We had biscuits, eggs, bacon, and lots of butter and jelly to go along. No makeup for me and a scruffy face for Calvin. It was so nice and cozy!

Around 11:00 we left my parents' house and went to his parents' house. That was quite nice too. We had a huge lunch on top of our already stuffed tummys!

Later on that evening, we went back to my mom and dad's house for dessert and coffee...a tradition we do every year. It really was just a simple day, but we enjoyed every minute of it!

Of course, I cannot neglect to tell you the real reason for Christmas. Christ came to the earth and was born to save the souls of man! He came to save me and you! Praise God that there is a redeemer, Jesus God's own son!