Thursday, December 18, 2008

First Date...

So, this picture was taken at the family farm in May of 2008. We call it the "holler" because it's a valley and we sort of all lived in the bottom of it. I grew up here, and this place is full of memories. This is the family reunion we have every year on Memorial Day weekend. I make Calvin come, but the idea of having more family than you can count - or even name for that matter - kind of scares him a little. I love having a huge family and it's part of what makes me who I am. Arguing over coffee, yelling for someone to pass the salt, eating huge meals and then complaining about how stuffed you's all excellent! Anyway, that's not what I was going to write about. I just don't have any pictures of Calvin and I when we were dating. I have very few, and they aren't on the computer.

Calvin and I met at church. I had just graduated high school. I was 18 and he was 22. I moved from the youth to the singles in June of that year at church. Calvin had just graduated college and was still working at the Cooker. This guy named Jeff asked me to sing in a worship band he was putting together for an event. I said yes and a couple weeks later I showed up at the practice. There was this guy there playing piano and I was introduced to him as "Calvin." My first thought (every Christian girl's first thought) was is that the guy I'm gonna' marry? Nah...I really thought nothing more of it than that. I thought that about every guy I met. We met for a couple weeks to practice and as time went on I had to sing this song that was too high in a couple areas. I met with Calvin outside of practice some more. We were sort of becoming friends and he would ask me to join in with the singles group to go out to eat after church or to come to Tuesday night Bible study. One day he "showed up" at Family Christian store (where I worked) to buy a Bible.
He had plenty of Bibles...

One day I was meeting my friend Lauren in Rivergate at Olive Garden for lunch...and she stood me up. I was devastated, but I prayed that God would let Calvin call me. I don't know why I prayed this...I didn't want to call Calvin because I didn't want him to think I liked him. I didn't at that point, but I needed a friend. God answered my prayer and turned out Calvin was giving me a bogus call! He was calling to invite me to something he knew had been canceled just so he could call me! I took the opportunity to explain what happened with my friend and asked would he like to come hang out. He met me in Rivergate around lunch time and we hung out until around 10:00 that night! We just talked and talked and talked.

So that's the first date...we were sort of inseparable ever since. More later...I still haven't told you about our crazy trip to Atlanta.

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